September 27, 2024

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Affirms “Woke” to Black History and Social Justice in Congressional Resolution

WASHINGTON — Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-12) this week filed an official resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives attributing the term ‘‘woke’’ and its historical connection to Black history, Black liberation movements, and social justice following Republican members of Congress misusing the term “woke” and attempting to propagate Project 2025 as an “anti-woke” agenda.

Congresswoman Lee has played a part in popularizing the term, as evidenced by her name being included in Merriam-Webster’s definition. This week, Congresswoman Lee spoke on the floor of Congress to address Republicans misuse of the term.

In part, the resolution reads: “Whereas Black history is a critical aspect of United States history and has shaped United States culture, including the evolution of language; Whereas the term ‘‘woke’’ has been similarly misused, as traditional media have reframed ‘‘woke’’ as trendy new slang, eroding its cultural connection and separating the term from its historical grounding in social justice; Whereas the words ‘‘wake up’’ and ‘‘woke’’ have served as a call to action as conveyed by social activist Marcus Garvey who stated, ‘‘Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa’’, and the Negro Mine Workers who in 1940 issued the statement, ‘‘We were asleep. But we will stay woke from now on’’, in advocating against discriminatory pay…”

This resolution was endorsed by the NAACP and echoes its organizational resolution affirming the term "Woke.”

To read the full resolution, click here.