February 26, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee and California Democratic Delegation Express Budget Concerns in Letter to Gov. Schwarzenegger

Lee Urges Him to Join the Fight for California’s Fair Share of Federal Funding

Washington, DC – All 33 members of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation sent a letter today urging Governor Schwarzenegger to join them as they work to get California its fair share of federal funding. The letter sent to the Governor is below:

“As members of the California Congressional Delegation, we are writing with serious concerns about the potential impact of the Administration’s FY05 budget proposal on California. We regret that schedules did not allow for all of us to meet this week while you were in D.C. to discuss these concerns in person.

“It is estimated that California could be shortchanged more than $20 billion if the budget proposal is enacted. With your emphasis on increasing the collection of federal funds for California, we are certain that you must share our concern about the Administration’s FY05 budget proposal.

“We are all well aware that the state’s dire financial situation is already threatening many state-run programs and services that Californians depend upon. However, the state’s budget shortfall will worsen if the funding cuts proposed in the Administration’s budget proposal become reality.

“Attached you will find information on areas where our state is being shortchanged through programs being eliminated, funding levels cut, programs being under funded, or other budget areas of concern. While this list is not all-inclusive, it represents areas in which our combined efforts can pay off for California in a significant way.

“There is no doubt that federal resources will be tight this year. But, we cannot afford to be passive in our response to the budget proposal. We must unite during the upcoming FY05 appropriations process to change these policy and funding situations in ways that will best benefit all Californians.

“We urge you to join us as we work to get California its fair share of federal funding.”


· Elementary and Secondary Education: The budget proposal shortchanged the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) authorization level by $9.4 billion in FY05. Since NCLB was signed into law, it has been under funded $26.5 billion, or 21.7%. For FY05, this means California is shortchanged approximately $700 million for elementary and secondary education than was promised when NCLB passed.