May 11, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressional Democrats File Amicus Brief in Support of California Consumers

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and California Democratic leaders in the United States Congress and Sacramento announced today that they have jointly filed an amicus brief before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit regarding the inflated prices California citizens and businesses were forced to pay during the 2000-2001 electricity crisis.

In a remarkable show of unity and support, the brief was signed by California’s United States Senators, all 33 House members, the President pro Tempore of the California State Senate, and the Speaker of California’s State Assembly. The vast majority of their constituents suffered significant economic harm during the 2000-2001 electricity crisis as the result of inflated energy prices caused by widespread illegal manipulation of California’s energy markets by energy wholesalers and marketers. Unless the Court grants the requested relief, the accounts of consumers will not be permitted.

Specifically, the brief asks the Court to clarify a previous order and direct the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to collect evidence of energy market manipulation in an existing remedy proceeding subject to judicial review. FERC has been adjudicating these issues in non-public proceedings that shut California consumers out of the process.

“This is not just an issue about cracking these illegal business practices or about protecting the rights of California consumers,” said Lee. “It is about returning to consumers money that is rightfully theirs, money that they need in order to survive the economic downturn that President Bush has brought about through his tax breaks to the wealthy and to corporations, including the big utility companies. I am proud to be part of this amicus brief, and I call on the 9th Circuit to force the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to make real progress on this case.”
