August 12, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces $11.25 Million Grant for Security at Oakland International Airport

Oakland, CA -- Congressman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will provide the Oakland International Airport an $11.25 million grant for security measures. The grant is expected to be officially announced tomorrow, and it will help counter recent Transportation Services Administration (TSA) cuts, which will reduce the number of screeners in airports around the country.

At this point and due to the nature of security measures in airports, the FAA is releasing very little information about the grant, but Lee welcomed the money for an airport that has become a leading transportation center.

“We have worked hard to make the Oakland Airport a major travel center for the Bay Area and for the West Coast, and this grant ensures that the Airport will not only better meet the increased security demands of the post-9/11 world, but will also better serve its customers as a premiere transportation hub,” said Lee. “Working together, we have succeeded in securing these resources.”
