November 29, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces $1.2 Million HRSA Grant to LifeLong Medical Care

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee announced that LifeLong Medical Care will receive a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) totaling $1,294,282.

"I’m pleased that LifeLong Medical Care will receive this critical federal funding to continue providing high quality care to East Bay residents,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “Health centers, like LifeLong, overcome numerous socio-economical barriers to increase access and improve the health of those most vulnerable in our communities. Instead of cutting funding, Congress should be creating opportunities for health centers to increase patient capacity and expand their services.”

“This grant will help LifeLong Medical Care continue its mission to improve the health and wellbeing of East Bay residents – regardless of their ability to pay. Last year we were able to provide medical, dental, and social services to more than 59,000 people. 77% of LifeLong’s patients live below the federal poverty level ($24,600 for a family of four) and are in dire need of our services,” said Marty Lynch, LifeLong Medical Care Executive Director and CEO. “Support by our elected officials, such as Congresswoman Barbara Lee, makes it possible for pregnant women, babies, kids, adults, and older adults to receive lifelong care. We are very grateful.”

For more information about HRSA’s Health Center Program, click here.

Read Congresswoman Lee’s op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle about her continued fight to protect funding for community health centers.