July 18, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces that Port of Oakland Projects Receive Almost $25 Million in House Version of FY 04 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) announced today that the FY 04 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, passed this afternoon by the House of Representatives, includes $21.785 million in funding for Port of Oakland projects, money that will ensure that the Port will continue to serve as one of the most important economic engines for revenues and jobs in the East Bay.

The Port received $15 million to continue construction of its 50’ dredging project and $6.785 for Operations and Maintenance. The bill also included $3 million to prepare Hamilton Army Airfield to take material from multiple dredging projects in the Bay Area.

President Bush’s budget included only $7 million for the dredging project and $2 million for Operations and Maintenance, but Lee made it a top priority to gain funding for the Port.

“I’m pleased with this effort in Congress to do everything possible to bring jobs and economic growth to the 9th Congressional District of California,” said Lee.

The vote on the bill came on the same day that the U.S. Department of Labor released state-by-state unemployment figures for June, showing that Bush’s tax cuts and so-called economic plan have reversed what was one of the most thriving economic periods in American history. Today’s report showed that California’s unemployment rate for June was 6.7%, which is 2 full percentage points above California’s unemployment rate in January 2001, when Bush took office. In that time, California has lost 370,600 jobs.

Nationwide, the unemployment rate stands at 6.4 percent – the highest rate in almost a decade. Since January 2001, more than 3 million private sector jobs have been lost, and under Bush’s leadership, the nation has sunk $3 trillion further in debt.
