July 17, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Applauds House Democrats’ Success in Delaying Vote on Devastating Head Start Bill

Republican Leadership Unable to Muster Votes

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee applauded House Democrats’ success in at least temporarily fighting off a vote scheduled for today on a bill that would radically alter and decimate one of this country’s most successful early childhood education programs. Under the pressure of a massive, grassroots educational and publicity campaign by Head Start proponents, House Republicans were not able to gain the votes necessary to pass the bill initiated by the Bush Administration.

The bill aims to gut the core elements of Head Start, which, since its inception in 1965, has provided early childhood education for 20 million students. The Republican bill would force the program’s holistic approach into an education-only focus, relying on test scores as the sole means of evaluating students. Instead of directly funding the Head Start, the bill would also send money to the states, which, under the pressure of enormous budget crises, could possibly use the money for purposes other than funding Head Start.

In the California 9th Congressional District, 2,349 children are enrolled in 35 Head Start programs, which target needy families. 84% of these children live in families that receive public assistance or have incomes below the federal poverty line. In order to succeed in school, children need comprehensive medical and social services – the heart of Head Start’s mission. In the East Bay, 83% of Head Start students have received basic primary health care, and 75% have a continuous, accessible source of dental care. This Republican bill would reduce all of these services.

While Lee praised the efforts of House Democrats, particularly the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), in publicizing this issue through hearings and Special Order speeches on the House floor, she especially applauded the grassroots efforts of residents of the 9th Congressional District, who led the way in mobilizing opposition nationwide against the bill.

“Supporters in the East Bay got out quickly and let people know how important Head Start is,” said Lee, referring to the numerous meetings and rallies throughout Oakland and the rest of the East Bay.

“While we’re not sure what is going to happen next week,” according to Lee, “today’s action represents at least a temporary victory for the children and families not only of the East Bay but throughout the country. It is exciting to see what our efforts have produced, and we will continue to do everything possible to ensure that Head Start survives.”
