July 16, 2021

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Applauds Passage of FY2022 Transportation and Housing Appropriations Funding Bill

Washington, D.C.–Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13), member of the House Appropriations Committee, released a statement in response to the passage of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Transportation and Housing Appropriations.

The legislation funds the Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other related agencies, including the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness. For fiscal year 2022, the legislation provides $162.6 billion in base budgetary resources. The bill includes $84.1 billion in discretionary funding, an increase of $8.7 billion above the FY 2021 enacted level.

"As cities around the country see serious increases in housing costs, it is imperative that we treat housing as critical infrastructure,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. "I am pleased that this bill makes important investments in helping families with housing. It includes almost $30 billion for tenant-based vouchers, a level which will help 125 thousand new families get and keep a roof over their head. We must take action to address the housing crisis, which has put affordable living out of reach for far too many.

“I worked hard with my colleagues to secure investments in affordable federal housing, which will help communities like mine in the East Bay, which is currently experiencing an affordable housing crisis. It is important that we view housing issues from a racial justice lens as we address them.  

“We also secured significant increases to Homeless Assistance Grants, which are important to improving access to housing and providing permanent supportive housing programs for families, veterans, and those who are chronically homeless. This is especially true in California where the homelessness count is about 130,000 families. This bill will include 3.42 billion to help unhoused people in transition.”

 “I am especially proud of the funding allocation of $600 million for Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS, to help people struggling with the converging pandemics of HIV and poverty.  Those who have been equally hit with COVID-19 and HIV/AIDs deserve the opportunities for sustainable housing.” 

“Lastly, this bill makes key investments to support job creation while working toward a post-carbon future.  This bill funds key investments in transit and mobility, to ensure that people have a wide range of options on how to move about their communities.?This includes doubling our investments in rail, putting three hundred more zero-emission buses on the road and new investments to expand pedestrian and bicycle travel. These efforts help protect our constituents now, and in the future.”