June 15, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls 9/11 Commission Finding on No Iraq-Al Qaeda Connection Confirmation that Bush Administration Misled American People

Washington, DC – In response to a preliminary report by the 9/11 Commission, which found that, contrary to the repeated claims of the Bush Administration, there was “no credible evidence” between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq regime, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement:

“This report by the 9/11 Commission confirms what we’ve known all along: the Bush Administration did not tell the truth to the American people. There was no connection between al Qaeda and Iraq, no connection between 9-11 and Iraq.”

“President Bush and Vice President Cheney believe that if they say over and over that there is an Iraq-al Qaeda connection they will be able to deceive the American people. But no amount of repetition can create a connection between Iraq and al Qaeda. Even the President’s own handpicked 9/11 commission now has said that there is no connection.”

“As a result of the Bush Administration’s misguided actions, the world is a more dangerous place, not less dangerous; innocent men and women are dying every day; and billions of dollars are being misspent on this war instead of funding absolutely essential programs for Americans, including education, health care, housing, and homeland security.”
