August 09, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls Disappointing December Jobs Report a Reflection of President Bush’s Failed Economic Policies

Oakland, CA – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today called the December unemployment report a further reflection of President Bush’s failed economic policies. The jobs report, released this morning, showed that the economy created only 1000 jobs in December. In addition, the jobs report for November was revised downward from 57,000 jobs created to 43,000 jobs created. For the month of December, manufacturing jobs actually fell, with 26,000 jobs lost.

Economists say that a robust economy should be creating at least 200,000 jobs per month. Since President Bush’s inauguration in January 2001, the American economy has lost almost 3 million jobs, 2.6 million of which are in manufacturing. Bush will likely be the first President since Depression-era President Herbert Hoover to lose jobs during his administration.

“The story that these numbers tell is that millions of Americans are still unable to find the jobs they need to pay for the most basic necessities,” said Lee. “Our people cannot wait for the promise of better days ahead – they need jobs now. In the short-term, the Administration needs to quit relying on its tax cuts for the rich as its economic policy and provide unemployment support to workers by immediately extending the federal unemployment benefits that they have allowed to expire.”

The unemployment rate for all Americans stands at 5.7%. Hispanic unemployment is at 6.6%, and the unemployment rate for African Americans is 10.3%.

Lee has co-sponsored a bill to extend the federal benefits program for an additional six months, increase the amount of benefits to 26 weeks, include coverage for 1.4 million workers who have already exhausted their extended benefits, and expand unemployment insurance coverage for low-wage and part-time workers. Congressional Republicans have repeatedly refused to provide aid for the unemployed, claiming that the number of jobs for the American economy will increase.
