July 20, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls for Extension of Assault Weapons Ban

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today participated in a press conference calling for the extension of the assault weapons ban. The House Republican leadership refuses to allow for a vote on H.R. 2038, which would extend the ban, set to expire in September. 112 House Members, including Lee, support the extension, but House Republicans refuse to permit any action on the bill.

“I am strongly opposed to the actions of the NRA and other gun lobbying groups, but I am particularly appalled by their efforts to unleash semi-automatic weapons on the American people. This is not the right for private citizens to bear arms -- this is about a right to wage war against their communities. The United States already has the highest overall gun mortality rate of the 36 industrialized countries in the world!”

“I do not see the groups who are fighting to end the Assault Weapons Ban offering to compensate the victims of gun violence and their families. Instead these organizations and corporations are seeking to make a quick buck off of the domestic terrorists who use these weapons -- drug traffickers, gangs and paramilitary extremist --groups who want to tear our society apart. In my hometown of Oakland, firearms are the single leading cause of injury deaths among all age groups.”

“Cities across the country are struggling to reduce access to firearms, yet this Republican Administration is working to get election year points and donations by putting American lives on the line.”

“I have a suggestion for the gun lobbying groups – why don’t they offer to fund the rehabilitation of those drug dealers and criminals who would assault our communities, instead of arming them to commit crimes. We cannot afford to do nothing while thousands of innocent Americans give everything – their lives and their livelihoods.”
