April 02, 2009

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls For the Lifting of Travel Ban to Cuba

For Immediate Release
April 2, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) joined Reps. Bill Delahunt (D-MA), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and other members in calling for the lifting of the ban on travel to Cuba from the United States through the passage of H.R. 874, the Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act. She released this statement:

“I began working against the trade and travel ban as an aide to my predecessor Congressman Ronald Dellums in the 1970s. Despite some progress, we still face this travel ban that prevents critical exchange of ideas between Americans and the Cuban people.

“While I am pleased that there was a slight movement to help ease the onerous travel ban in the recently enacted omnibus spending bill, all Americans should be allowed to travel to Cuba without restriction.

“And this is the bill would allow exactly that.  That is why I’m so pleased today to be a co-sponsor of this bill and join with my colleagues here in urging Congress to take action and pass HR 874, the Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act.

“Americans are the best Ambassadors for our ideas and that important exchange of ideas will only come through ending this senseless ban on travel. 

“Statistics show that the vast majority of American’s want the travel ban lifted. Today we say loud and clear that we are with you.

“It is far past time Congress acts to end this counterproductive and unnecessary travel ban and I look forward to working with tremendous leaders like, Congressman Delahunt, to do so.

“Together, let’s make the travel ban history!”

 Congresswoman Barbara Lee has long supported an end to the travel ban and has introduced legislation (H.R. 332) that would remove travel restrictions for students traveling to Cuba.

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