September 11, 2008

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls on Americans to Commemorate 9/11 as a Day of Remembrance and Resolve

Press Release   
For Immediate Release Contact:  Ricci Graham  
Sept 11, 2008 (510) 763-0370  

(Washington, D.C.) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-09) issued the following statement on the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001:

“Today, we come together as a nation to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, a deplorable act of violence that continues to resonate throughout America.

“As we observe this anniversary, let us remember the men, women and children whose lives were so tragically lost seven years ago.  We continue to extend our heart-felt sympathies to their families, friends and loved ones. We also honor the heroism and courage exhibited by the first responders – law enforcement personnel, volunteers and others – who risked their lives, and in many cases sacrificed their own lives, to help others.  We owe a debt of gratitude to these first responders, and we must ensure that we repay their service and sacrifice by passing legislation to provide care to everyone who was exposed to the toxic aftermath of these attacks.

“I am pleased that as one of the first actions of the Democratic Congress, last year we passed legislation to fully implement the recommendations of the 9/11 commission to help better protect our nation against similar attacks.  But we recognize that much more remains to be done to make our nation more secure.

“Over the last seven years the policies of the Bush Administration have isolated our country, fueled anti-Americanism abroad, and ultimately made our nation less safe. We must work to restore our nation's tattered reputation and reestablish our credibility on the world stage by reengaging in international diplomacy, ending the occupation in Iraq, and working with our allies to truly win hearts and minds by addressing problems of famine, disease and poverty.”

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