March 24, 2009

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Commemorates Cover the Uninsured Week

For Immediate Release
March 24, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement commemorating Cover the Uninsured Week:

“America’s healthcare system is at a crisis level. Not only does it need to be reformed, but it needs a complete overhaul. Over 45 million individuals in America have no health insurance.  While Congress took an important step this year to cover 11 million uninsured children, there are still millions of Americans who stand in need of healthcare.

“Being uninsured means going without needed care. It means minor illnesses become major ones because care is delayed. Tragically, it also means that one significant medical expense can wipe out a family’s entire life savings. There are millions of working, uninsured Americans who go to bed every night worrying what will happen to them and their families if a major illness or injury strikes.

“The problem is getting worse. As the price of health care continues to rise, fewer individuals and families can afford to pay for coverage. Fewer small businesses are able to provide coverage for their employees, and those that do are struggling to hold on to the coverage they offer. Additionally, access to health care directly impacts the welfare of individuals in many poor and minority communities.  Of the uninsured, 56 percent are low income, and although minorities make up approximately 34 percent of the population, they comprise over half of the nation’s uninsured.

“The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide universal health care. It is time we put in place high quality comprehensive care for all, regardless of one’s ability to pay. We must become a health care provider, not a denier of this fundamental right.”  

Cover the Uninsured Week (March 22-28), is a weeklong effort to foster conversation about reforming the nation’s health care system and making affordable health insurance available to the 45 million currently uninsured Americans.

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