July 25, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Declares Victory on Reimportation of Drugs Bill

Bill Passes House Early this Morning

Washington, DC – At a press conference this afternoon at the Capitol, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and the Prescription Drug Importation House Coalition celebrated last night’s passage of the Pharmaceutical Market Access of 2003, which permits the importation of drugs from other countries, where prices are often significantly lower than the high prices of American prescription drugs.

Lee said, “I’m delighted to be here to spread the news that with the passage of Rx Drug Market Access Bill last night, or should I say early this morning, relief from the crushing, deadly costs of prescription drug medicines could be on the way. This is a great victory for all Americans, and I congratulate all of my colleagues here today on their hard work to bring affordable medicines to all Americans.

Where is the justice in Americans paying the highest prices in the world for medicines? Where is the justice in American taxpayers pouring billions of dollars into research that the drug companies turn into profit? And where is the justice in African Americans being twice as likely to go without medicines, as a Wall Street Journal article yesterday reported, while the drug companies are getting fat on profits?

I’ll tell you where the justice should be. It should be in relief for seniors who find themselves having to choose between buying food and buying prescription drugs. And it should be for African Americans who are suffering disproportionately and mightily under the current laws crafted to protect the drug companies and their inflated prices.

The Wall Street Journal reports that fully 16% of black recipients of Medicare couldn't afford to fill at least one prescription in 2001, compared with 7% of whites. This bipartisan bill will save Americans millions on the inflated and outrageous cost of medicines in the United States. I am pleased that we can celebrate this victory today.”
