March 16, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Holds Press Conference on Opposition to H.Res. 557, Republican Congressional Resolution on 1st Anniversary of Iraq War

Flawed Resolution Ignores Real Issues Related to Bush Administration’s War Effort

Washington, DC – At a press conference today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) spelled out her opposition to H.Res. 557, a flawed Republican resolution on the first anniversary of the Iraq War, which fails to seriously examine the real issues underlying the Iraq war and fails to pay tribute to the dead and wounded:

“We are here today to mark the upcoming one year anniversary of the needless war in Iraq, which to date has cost the lives of more than 550 Americans; has wounded more than 3000 Americans; and has killed or wounded literally untold numbers of Iraqis and non-combatants. This war was the product of deliberate decisions by the Bush Administration. We had choices. We had options. We did not have to go to war.”

“We are here right now because we must address the issue of the Republicans’ horrible and misleading Iraq anniversary resolution (H.Res. 557), which is before the House of Representatives today. This resolution continues the Republican leadership’s pattern of distortion and deception. It celebrates this war and ignores both its causes and its costs.”

“Their resolution never mentions the more than 550 Americans and countless others who have died. It never mentions the weapons of destruction that were supposedly the reason we fought – and are still fighting this war. And, it claims that the war has made the world a safer place.”

“Three more pieces of deception and distortion are in this resolution: it ignores the victims of this war, ignores the alleged weapons of mass destruction, and ignores the costs to our credibility, to our alliances, and to our domestic priorities. This resolution also fails to address the new world order – or disorder that has been created by this war. It fails to mention the fact that the Doctrine of Preemption on which the Iraq War was based has undermined long-standing alliances, weakened the effectiveness of the United Nations, and damaged our nation’s credibility with the international community.”

“My amendment was rejected by the Republican-led Rules Committee yesterday because it was too accurate and too true. It featured the horrors of too many lost lives. And it spelled out how the Doctrine of Preemption has made the world a more dangerous place, not a safer place. The Rules Committee had to reject this amendment because it told the truth about the Iraq War just as we approached the first anniversary of the beginning of this needless war.”

“The families of soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq deserve more than this resolution, and the American people deserve more than this resolution. They deserve peace and security, and they deserve the truth.”
