January 31, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Hopes that Thompson Nomination Will Provide Much-needed Money for Global AIDS, TB and Malaria Fund

Washington, D.C. -- Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who was instrumental in the creation of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, responded to the expected nomination of Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson as Chairman of the Global Fund. The framework for a Global Trust Fund to provide funding for countries decimated by the HIV/AIDS pandemic was first introduced by Lee and Congressman James Leach, in the Global AIDS and Tuberculosis Relief Act of 2000, and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

"I’m hopeful that the nomination of Secretary Thompson means that the Bush Administration will increase its level of commitment to the Global Fund in the coming year," said Lee. "So many millions of people are losing their lives in this crisis that I welcome any effort by the United States to take a more active role in leading the international community on this issue."

"I had the privilege to participate in a trip to southern Africa with Secretary Thompson," said Lee. "He witnessed the pain and suffering in Africa, and I know that he understands the depth and breadth of this horrible disease."

At the same time, Lee expressed disappointment that the Bush Administration’s projected donation to the Global Fund would be a mere $1 billion over the next five years. Lee, who over the last several years has been at the forefront of Congressional efforts to increase the United States’ contribution to at least $1 billion per year, called the President's pledge "woefully inadequate for meeting the projected funding needs of the Global Fund."

"I’ve been very disappointed with the amount of money that the Administration has provided to the Global Fund so far, but I’m hopeful that Secretary Thompson’s nomination will mean that the Bush Administration, at long last, is realizing that the Global Fund is an integral part of the international response to this global pandemic," said Lee. "I will wait anxiously to see what they do."
