June 19, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Name Berkeley Post Office After Civil Rights Champion Maudelle Shirek

Congresswoman Gives Floor Statement on Shirek’s Birthday

Washington, DC – Following is the floor statement given by Congresswoman Lee yesterday after introducing legislation that would name the main Berkeley post office the Maudelle Shirek Post Office:

"Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to introduce this resolution to honor the Vice Mayor of the City of Berkeley, a great leader for human and civil rights and for peace and disarmament, Councilmember Vice Mayor Maudelle Shirek.

Today is Councilmember Maudelle Shirek’s 92nd birthday and in honor of her tremendous legacy, I am extremely proud to introduce the Maudelle Shirek Post Office Resolution. While fighting for social justice is no rarity in Berkeley, Maudelle’s name always stands above the rest because of her uncompromising fidelity to her ideals and compassion for people.

As one of my political heroes, Maudelle continues to fight for equality and social justice for all. She is truly a role model for women, especially for young African American women. She not only inspired me to get involved in politics but also my predecessor, the Honorable Ronald V. Dellums. Her commitment to investing in people has won the solid support for many years of voters in her district. She is recognized throughout the world as a distinguished leader.

One of my most memorable Maudelle stories was when she was arrested with about 109 others in an anti-apartheid protest at the University of California at Berkeley. Many of the protesters were many years younger, including myself. She knew very well the awesome power of standing for what is right, regardless of the consequences.

A granddaughter of slaves, Maudelle left rural Arkansas which, of course, was her home; and she came to California in the middle of World War II. Before long she was campaigning for fair housing and for many, many civil rights for African Americans and others who had been left out and disenfranchised. She became a union organizer and an office manager of the Co-Op Credit Union. She has helped many, many families in terms of their financial stability in the 9th Congressional District, especially in the city of Berkeley. She has demonstrated throughout her life the need for coalition politics for the betterment of humankind.

Vice Mayor Shirek’s community commitment really knows no limits. She helped found two Berkeley senior centers, one of which she really still actively oversees, and at 92, she still delivers meals to shut-in seniors, or if it's Tuesday, does all of the shopping for lunches at the New Light Senior Center, which she founded 28 years ago. She taught many, including myself, the value of eating nutritious foods in order to live a healthy life.

Vice Mayor Maudelle Shirek continues to speak for the voiceless and to defend our basic civil rights and civil liberties. Please join me in honoring Ms. Maudelle Shirek, our Vice Mayor of the City of Berkeley, who is a fierce and inspirational woman who tirelessly continues to fight to make this world fair and just place, a world of peace for our children’s future.

The Maudelle Shirek Post Office will be a testament to the enormous contributions of this great woman."
