February 19, 2020

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Landmark Fellowship for Women in STEAM

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on her introduction of the Ronald V. Dellums Memorial Fellowship for Women of Color in STEAM and National Security Act:

“I am pleased to reintroduce the Ronald V. Dellums Memorial Fellowship for Women of Color in STEAM and National Security Act, which will help open opportunities for women of color in the STEAM and national security sectors. Under this bill, 30 students, particularly women and students of color, would receive the Ronald V. Dellums Fellowship each year, which includes a financial scholarship, mentorship, and an internship placement within the Department of Defense and STEAM industries.

“Women of color remain vastly underrepresented in STEAM industries – a problem that is even more pronounced in the national security sector. One important way to increase diversity is to build a pipeline of talent. Through this legislation, I hope we can help build a more diverse and inclusive STEAM workforce that includes women of color in national security positions.

“It is an honor to keep Congressman Dellums’ legacy alive through this bill. Ron was my mentor, former boss, and trusted friend. He was far ahead of his time – in the 1970s, he was proud to call himself a feminist. He supported me and encouraged me to keep moving forward, despite the institutional biases against women and people of color. It is in his memory that I introduce this legislation.”
