June 05, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Peace Stamp

Revenue from stamp would benefit the Peace Corps

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today introduced The Peace Stamp Act, which calls for the creation of a stamp, the revenues from which would send money to the Peace Corps. Similar to the successful breast cancer stamp, the proposed “peace stamp” would sell at a slightly higher rate than the normal 37 cents in order to generate revenue above the Postal Service’s operating costs.

Lee introduced the stamp to provide funding for the increased Peace Corps force that President Bush has called for. After Bush called for a doubling of volunteers for the Peace Corps by 2007, Lee began to consider this innovative effort for funding to help the Peace Corps to meet this goal.

“The creation of a postal peace stamp provides an excellent opportunity to generate additional funding for a truly remarkable organization,” said Lee. “This bill would greatly benefit the growing number of volunteers committed to promoting world peace and friendship.”

The Peace Stamp Act currently has 32 co-sponsors.