December 10, 2008

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Resolution Opposing U.S.-Iraq Security Agreement

Press Release
For Immediate Release

Contact:  Nicole Y. Williams      
(202) 225-2661      

Says Agreement should be disapproved because it does not comply with constitutional requirements and does not further the best interests of the United States

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement today regarding H. Res. 1535, a resolution disapproving the security agreement reached between the Bush Administration and the Government of Iraq:

“Yesterday, I introduced H. Res. 1535, a resolution disapproving the security agreement reached between the Bush Administration and the Government of Iraq. The resolution puts the House of Representatives on record in opposition to the agreement because it does not comply with constitutional requirements and is not in the best interests of the United States. For starters, the Agreement contemplates a timetable that could leave U.S. troops in Iraq until December 31, 2011. Aside from the fact that the America people are plainly fed up with this unnecessary war and occupation in Iraq and want to see it ended, occupying Iraq for three more years under the Bush plan would cost American taxpayers $360 billion based on current spending levels. That amount is nearly half of the money paid by taxpayers to bail out Wall Street and obviously could be better spent digging our economy out of the ditch the policies of the Bush Administration have put it in.

“Second, the Bush agreement undermines the constitutional powers of the next president by subjecting American military operations to the approval of the Iraqi government, by giving operational control to ‘joint mobile operations command centers’ controlled by a joint American-Iraqi committee. Throughout history, American troops have been placed under foreign control in peacekeeping operations only where authorized under treaties ratified by the Senate.

“These are serious deficiencies and there is little doubt that others will soon be discovered and brought to light. It is a seriously flawed agreement which illustrates perfectly the necessity of Congressional review and approval of any agreement concerning the United States Armed Forces and the security of Iraq. An agreement to commit American troops to the defense and security of another country is a major commitment that must have the support of the American people, which can only be reflected by the Congress of the United States. That process has not been followed in this case and for this reason the Agreement should be disapproved. The resolution I have introduced provides the House of Representatives an appropriate vehicle to register its disapproval of this seriously flawed agreement.”

For a copy of the resolution, click here or contact Nicole Y. Williams at (202) 225-2661.

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