May 17, 2024

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Issues Statement on House Republicans’ Intended SFOPS Cuts

Washington, D.C. – House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations Ranking Member Barbara Lee (CA-12) issued the following statement regarding House Republican plans to cut diplomatic, global development and humanitarian assistance programs by 11.6% for Fiscal Year 2025:

“This is a fundamentally unserious proposal that will make America weaker, hurt vulnerable people, and gut our tools for avoiding conflict and promoting peace.  By cutting our development, diplomacy and humanitarian programs by more than 11%, House Republicans will be directly responsible for undermining American influence and leadership.  Republicans talk tough about countering China and Russia, but this allocation will force America to pull back on engagement at the same time that China is doubling down, including by deploying an increasing number of ambassadors around the world.  Countries want to partner with America to solve shared challenges like war, poverty, hunger, and the changing climate.  Yet House Republicans are showing that they are willing to turn their back on the world.  Congress must do better.”