July 22, 2008

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Issues Statement Regarding US/Iraqi Agreement to Deployment

 Press Release  
 For Immediate Release 

Contact:  Sean P. Nichols  
July 22, 2008 (202) 225-2661 

Washington – Congresswoman Barbara Lee issued the following statement in response to comments that the Iraqi government supports a timetable for troop withdrawals from Iraq and the Bush Administration’s vague support for a ‘general time horizon’:

“For over 5 years now we have been pushing this Administration to recognize the reality that there is no military solution to the situation in Iraq and to swiftly act to bring our troops and military contractors home. Recent developments indicate that it may finally have to recognize that reality in its negotiations with Iraq. 

Three weeks ago, I, along with thirty-one other members of Congress, sent a letter to Prime Minister al-Maliki acknowledging and supporting the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to insist that any security agreement between the United States and Iraq include a timetable for the complete redeployment of US armed forces and contractors out of Iraq.

“We must continue to do everything we can to accomplish the timely and safe withdrawal our troops and military contractors from Iraq and to ensure we leave no permanent bases behind.” 


Barbara Lee is a leader in efforts to end the war in Iraq.  She is co-founder of the Out of Iraq Caucus, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and a member of the House Appropriations State Foreign Operations Subcommittee.