February 27, 2001


Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee today joined the Congressional Black Caucus in a hearing to examine
electoral reform in the wake of alleged voting rights violations in Florida during the 2000 Presidential Election.

The hearing provided a forum for national leaders, government officials, and affected voters to discuss the most recent
presidential election and reforms that will ensure every vote is counted.

"This is another opportunity to record what happened and speak out against this travesty of justice," said Lee. "We must get to the bottom of what happened in Florida, and make sure that the proper steps are taken so that no American will be denied the right to vote, and more importantly, that every vote is counted."

Following the highest African American voter turnout in history, allegations of voting rights violations arose, including intimidation and harassment, a disproportionate disqualification of voters, lost and distorted ballots, and even missing ballot boxes. More than 480 complaints and 300 pages of testimony have been collected from people who say they were blocked from voting in Florida.

"The one vote, one voice principal is the cornerstone of democracy, and too many people have fought, and even died, for that
basic right," said Lee. "To hear of these voting rights violations nearly 150 years after passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, and over 35 years since the passage of the Voting Rights Act, is simply unacceptable. We would denounce these occurrences in other countries, and we must do the same here."

"Our national leaders must come together and pass real election reform to make sure that this never happens again," said Lee.
"This not a Republican or Democrat issue, nor is it a racial issue. It is a fundamental issue that should concern every American."

"The Congressional Black Caucus will continue to highlight the election irregularities in Florida, and will continue urging our
Congressional colleagues to come up with solutions that ensure free, fair and transparent elections, in which all can truly
participate," said Lee. "Our democracy is at a crossroads, and must be protected."

Congresswoman thanked her Congressional Black Colleagues for their leadership and diligence in pursuing election reform, and the members of Congress who participated in the hearing. The CBC is committed to passage of strong election reform legislation before summer recess.
