December 13, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Joins in Introduction of the Restore the American Dream for the 99% Act

Contact: Kristal DeKleer (202) 225-1882

Washington, D.C.– Today Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined fellow members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus at a press conference marking the introduction of the Restore the American Dream for the 99% Act. (Summary of bill)

“The Progressive Caucus has again put forward a bill to create an America that we can believe in again.  If enacted, the RESTORE the American Dream Act would balance our budget and invest in our nation’s future by creating over 5 million jobs and save 2 trillion dollars.  We would end the war in Afghanistan, cut bloated and unnecessary Pentagon spending and prohibit permanent bases in Iraq. 

“We cannot abandon millions of jobseekers during the middle of a faltering recovery – especially communities of color which have been disproportionately impacted by the economy.  Incredibly, Republicans would do exactly that.  They would abruptly end unemployment benefits during the holiday season and would strip 2 million customers out of the economy by March and over 6 million customers out of the economy by the end of the year. They would reduce unemployment benefits to 59 weeks – just when people need more assistance not less!  It is outrageous. 

“Not only must we immediately extend the emergency unemployment benefits, as this bill would do, we need to add an additional 14 weeks of unemployment insurance for the millions of Americans who have already completely exhausted their benefits.  And I’m pleased that this bill would do so by incorporating legislation, HR. 589 and Congressman Bobby Scott and I have authored.

“There is a growing crisis with the long term unemployed and it is shameful that the Republicans continue to watch as hundreds of thousands more fall out of the middle class and into poverty. 

“Nearly 50 million Americans are already living in poverty.  Struggling to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.   They are desperately trying to stay one step ahead of disaster, living from paycheck to paycheck and waiting for the other shoe to drop.  The American people have run out of time and run out of patience. 

“Let's pass the RESTORE the American Dream Act to re-invest in the future of this country and build up our roads and bridges and repair the sewer lines and build 21st century schools for all of our students.

“Let's put America back on track with American jobs, American manufacturing, American ingenuity and American leadership toward a brighter tomorrow for all Americans.

“We must build these ladders of opportunity and take strong action to implement targeted programs and policies that ensure that we are a nation that truly does provide equal opportunity and equal access to the American Dream.”  


Follow Barbara Lee on Twitter @RepBarbaraLee