June 11, 2002

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Joins Lawsuit to Stop Bush Administration Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Withdrawal

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Lee (D-CA) today joined Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) and 28 of her House colleagues as a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the Bush Administration to stop President Bush from withdrawing the United States from the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty without Congressional consent.

The lawsuit calls for a temporary restraining order to stop the Administration from withdrawing from the treaty and requests a decision from the courts on whether or not the Constitution permits the President to withdraw without the consent of Congress. The lawsuit follows a motion that Kucinich offered in the House last week calling on the Administration to consult Congress before withdrawing from the ABM treaty.

"Six months ago, the President announced that he was unilaterally withdrawing the United States from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. This is both bad policy and bad law," said Lee. "It is bad policy because this step escalates the international nuclear arms race, demands billions of dollars that are badly needed here at home, and undermines our international reputation as a country that stands by its agreements. It is bad law because the Constitution does not give the President the power to single handedly make or break treaties. It does not give him the authority to repeal laws."

Congresswoman Lee will introduce legislation on Wednesday, June 12, 2002, stating that the ABM treaty shall continue to apply with respect to the United States.

"We cannot now go back on our word and abandon this treaty. Peace is in our national security. We cannot be a nation that preaches non-proliferation while practicing escalation. Instead of leading the way toward responsible disarmament, we are unraveling arms control agreements," said Lee. "We must as a nation decide where we want to go - a return to a nuclear arms race or forward toward a real post-Cold War peace. Withdrawing from the ABM treaty does not make the world a safer place."
