February 19, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Joins With Congressional Black Colleagues to Send Letter to President Bush Urging U.S. Intervention in Haitian Crisis

Washington -- Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Co-Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Haiti Task Force, joined her Congressional Black Caucus colleagues in sending a letter to President Bush, urging the Bush Administration to assist the Government of Haiti in its effort to stabilize the current political crisis and save Haitian lives.

“The Haitian people deserve a quality of life that starts with health care, education, and basic infrastructure,” said Lee. “But we must begin with engagement now, with an emergency meeting between the U.S. and Haitian governments, with cooperation of other countries in the region to help protect democracy right next door.”

The text of the letter follows:

February 19, 2004

The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus, I am respectfully requesting that the United States government convene a meeting to directly engage the Government of Haiti in an urgent dialogue to discuss how we can save Haitian lives. The Congressional Black Caucus remains concerned about the political, social, and economic conditions in Haiti. As the conditions continue to deteriorate, we must take action to help preserve democracy and protect human life.

With each coming day, the political conflict in Haiti continues to escalate, and we feel strongly that the United States must stand up against the crumbling rule of law. The loss of life, as a result of the ongoing social and political violence, is intolerable. The United States cannot afford to allow a country in our own hemisphere to spiral further down into a state of turmoil.

As Secretary of State Colin Powell stated, the United States will not accept the ousting of Haiti’s government by “thugs and murderers.” It is imperative for our government to support democracy and uphold the rule of law. Our message to all Haitians should be clear and direct. It should include an immediate cease-fire and an end to the violence, the respect for democracy, and the adherence to the Haitian Constitution to restore the rule of law. We strongly urge you to take action with due haste. The situation in Haiti, our neighbor and long-time ally, is reaching a critical point and engagement from our government is imperative.

We look forward to your response and thank you in advance for your prompt consideration.
