April 25, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Marches in March for Women’s Lives

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today joined hundreds of thousands of women and men from across the country in the March for Women’s Lives. The march, which capped off a week of activities dedicated to preserving a woman’s right to choice and right to privacy, included a series of speakers who focused on upholding justice, access, health, reproductive rights, and global access to family planning for women and their families worldwide.

On Thursday, Lee introduced a Congressional resolution honoring the participants of Sunday’s March for Women’s Lives.

“This march represents a historic moment for this issue, and we need to do everything possible to support those who support women’s reproductive rights, health and privacy,” said Lee. “It is our responsibility and our obligation to fight in support of these precious freedoms. Despite our nation’s overwhelming support for reproductive freedom, education, and choice, conservative lawmakers from the halls of Congress to the White House to state legislative chambers have slowly, but surely, led an unrelenting assault on a woman’s right to choose. The Bush Administration, especially, is jeopardizing these basic freedoms and ignoring those values. They are attacking fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution.”

On Wednesday, Lee, along with more than 70 co-sponsors, also introduced the Family Life Education Act (FLEA), which would reform an abstinence-until-marriage provision in the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, to allow states to receive funding for both abstinence and comprehensive sexuality education, including contraception and HIV/AIDS education. 49 states have accepted the federal funding, in many cases because of misinformation about what the abstinence-only-until-marriage programs require. Only California, in defense of comprehensive sex education, has rejected the funding. Because of their principled stance, California has lost over $40 million since 1998.
