August 20, 2008

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Mourns the Loss of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones

For Immediate Release 
August 20, 2008 

Contact:  Sean P. Nichols 
(202) 225-2661 

“The people of Cleveland, this nation and the world lost a giant in the fight for equality and justice today when my beloved friend and colleague Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones passed. 

So many know Congresswoman Tubbs Jones for her exceptional work on behalf of her constituents and for the many barriers she broke and trails she blazed as the first African American woman elected to Congress from Ohio, as the first African American woman to serve on the powerful Ways and Means Committee, and as the first to chair the House Ethics Committee.

Congresswoman Tubbs Jones and I came to Congress about the same time and we worked closely together for a decade.  Whether it was standing up for Ohio voters and fighting for election reform or fighting to end the unjust war and occupation in Iraq, she always stood on the right side of justice. Indeed we have lost a great warrior for peace and justice today.

She was much more than a colleague, though, she was my sister in arms, my confidant, and my friend. I will miss her terribly. There is a tremendous hole in the Congress today, in the Congressional Black Caucus and in my heart.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Congresswoman's family, her son Mervyn, her sister, Barbara, her staff, her friends and her many supporters during this very sad and difficult time.

May she rest in peace."

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