May 21, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Releases Congressional Record Statement on Opposing National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004

“Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to H.R. 1588.

This bill spends in excess of $400 billion, much of it for Cold War-era programs, redundant weapons systems, and a missile defense system that will once again siphon off $9 billion in resources that won’t go to education, healthcare, economic growth, or homeland security.

Everyone in this room cares about national security. We are all concerned that once again this nation is at code orange, a term we didn’t even know a few years ago. But this defense bill will not make us safe. It will not take us back to code green.

It will send us deeper into the red, in terms of our budget. It will mean that our schools will continue to deteriorate, the homeless will continue to be left out in the cold, and seniors will continue to struggle to pay for prescriptions.

Because this defense budget carries costs that go well beyond its $400 billion price tag, costs in lost opportunities here at home.

This bill also threatens our environment. It places endangered species at even greater risk by exempting the Department of Defense and other federal agencies from abiding by our basic laws.

It will also result in more whales and other marine mammals being injured and killed by sonar operations.

We can achieve national security without sacrificing our national heritage.

Finally, this bill once again deprives women in the service of their country of basic reproductive freedoms and choices.

I urge you to oppose this bill. Thank you, and I yield back the balance of my time.”
