February 24, 2009

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Releases Statement on President Obama's Address to Congress

For Immediate Release
February 24, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, DC –Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement today following President Barack Obama’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress.

“Tonight the President presented a realistic and sobering picture for the American people. The Bush Administration left our nation in fiscal shambles. The problems our country faces are significant and it will require a lot of hard work to put America back on the road toward economic recovery.

“There is no easy answer to the challenges that we face. But we are all in this together and must assume a collective responsibility for the direction of this country.

“President Obama laid out a plan to rebuild our fragile economy so that we can emerge stronger than before through job retention and creation, investing in our infrastructure and greater accountability and oversight of our financial institutions. Additionally, he understands that we must resist the temptation to balance the budget on the backs of the most vulnerable Americans doing so would be particularly cruel in today’s economic climate.

Specifically, he mentioned a plan that I have long supported to cut funds from the Defense budget that the Pentagon continues to waste buying outdated, Cold War-era weaponry for a national security threat that no longer exists. This would provide additional funding for domestic programs without diminishing our ability to protect our nation. 

I was also pleased that President Obama remains steadfast in his goals to develop a comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, bringing about a responsible end to the war in Iraq and restoring our credibility and leadership in the world.

While our challenges are daunting, I along with President Obama remain optimistic that we can move this country forward both domestically and globally.

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