January 15, 2009

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Renews Call for Immediate Cease-Fire in Gaza

For Immediate Release
January 15, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Urges U.S. to Lead Effort to Revive Peace Process and to Alleviate Humanitarian Crisis

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee today issued the following statement in response to the continuing violent conflict in Gaza:

“I mourn the tragic loss of innocent lives in Gaza and Southern Israel, and am deeply concerned by the ongoing and escalating humanitarian crisis.

“It is clear there can be no military solution to this conflict, only a political solution reached by the parties assisted by the United States acting as an honest broker.

“The only way to remove the threat to Israel, to relieve the suffering of the people of Gaza, and to bring peace to the broader region, is for the parties to agree to an immediate ceasefire and for the United States to engage in high-level and sustained diplomacy in support of the Road Map to the two-state solution.

“While I strongly support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself and condemn the rocket attacks launched by Hamas on Israel, military actions will not resolve the conflict, restore the peace, or end the violence. They are more likely to set in motion another tragic cycle of death, destruction, and deprivation.

“There has been too much suffering and too many deaths for far too long in Gaza and Israel. That is why I must once again call upon the leaders of Hamas and Israel to agree upon and abide by an immediate and indefinite ceasefire, and upon the Administration to engage in the intensive, high-level diplomacy necessary to assist the parties in developing concrete steps than can be implemented immediately to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

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