December 01, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Responds to Announcement of Troop Increase in Iraq

Washington, DC- Responding to the announcement yesterday that the American military presence in Iraq will grow by 12,000 troops to nearly 150,000, the highest levels since the invasion last year, Congresswoman Lee issued the following statement:

“The Bush administration’s decision yesterday to increase by 12,000 the troop levels in Iraq is the latest example of just how ill-advised and ill-prepared the President’s march to war has been.

“Unfortunately, the President’s bungling in Iraq continues to have a body count. In a security situation that deteriorates daily, the Bush administration’s failure to implement successful plans for training Iraqi troops is leaving vulnerable Iraqi civilians and letting American troops pay the price. Last month saw the second highest number of American causalities since the war began nearly two years ago.

“With no exit strategy in place, the Bush administration has ensured that this war will have no end in sight. This is unacceptable. The President must do everything in his power to safely return our troops home to their families as soon as possible.”
