August 25, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Responds to Findings from Abu Ghraib Reports

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) responded to the Bush Administration’s recent findings on the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandals, both of which claimed that mistakes had been committed at numerous levels of the Administration:

“I was not surprised by the findings and revelations of both the independent Schlesinger Prisoner Abuse Panel and the Department of Defense-commissioned panel (Fay Report), led by Major General George R. Fay. Both of the recently-released reports heavily criticized the absence of leadership at the most senior levels of the Defense Department regarding the brutal abuses at the Abu Ghraib military prison in Iraq.”

“When the abuses were first reported, I demanded full accountability in order to help restore the tremendous damage that occurred to the Iraq detainees at Abu Ghraib. Months later now, we still need that accountability: we need to have a full and independent, bipartisan investigation into the detainees being held in Iraq and elsewhere, and we need Secretary Rumsfeld to resign
