March 22, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on Acceleration of U.S. Military Involvement in Libya

Media Contact:   Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661

"There is a serious humanitarian crisis in Libya, and Gaddafi’s reckless, indiscriminate use of force on his own people in response to grassroots calls for change is unacceptable. But U.S. military intervention in Libya has the potential to exacerbate the significant humanitarian crisis in Libya and heighten instability in the region without a clear plan for peace.

"The decision for the United States to accelerate our military engagement in Libya is one that should have been debated and approved by Congress.  We are still paying the price entering for entering two ill-advised wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"I have grave concerns about the many unanswered questions that remain in Libya.  Do we now own this military operation?  When will this dramatic acceleration of military intervention end?  What is our responsibility and commitment there?  And where do we draw the line for military intervention considering unrest and violence in places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire and Yemen?

"Entering into a significant military engagement with Libya has the potential to become a quagmire that will cost lives, money and America’s standing around the world.  The United States must immediately shift to end the bombing in Libya, and I am committed to ensuring that the United States does not become embroiled in another war."
