December 22, 2020

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on Appointment of Secretary Padilla to California Senate Seat

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13) released the following statement on Governor Gavin Newsom’s appointment of California Secretary of State Alex Padilla to represent California in the United States Senate:

“I congratulate Secretary of State Alex Padilla on his historic appointment to fill Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris’s seat in the United States Senate. Secretary Padilla has a track record as a skilled legislator and a steadfast advocate for justice, and I believe he will be a powerful voice in the Senate for those who continue to be denied our country's promise of equality.   

“I look forward to working with him on behalf of all Californians to address the economic and public health crises we are facing, and to create a brighter future for our state and for communities across the country.”