July 22, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Supports Hinchey Amendment to Preserve Diversity of the Airwaves

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) spoke this afternoon on the House floor in support of the Hinchey Amendment, part of the debate on the FY 04 Commerce, Justice, and State Appropriations bill. The Hinchey Amendment calls for overturning the Federal Communications Commission’s recent decision on deregulating media ownership rules; the Amendment would provide greater restrictions on media ownership within local markets, eliminating the development of monopolies and ensuring alternative voices and opinions.

Lee said, “The recent FCC decision to adopt new broadcast ownership rules raising the national television ownership rules undermines fundamental principles of diversity, fair play, and the competition and exchange of ideas. The overwhelming public reaction against this FCC move dramatically illustrates the very diversity in America that this ruling circumvents. Groups as wide-ranging as Common Cause, the National Rifle Association, and the National Organization for Women all oppose this step toward greater monopolization of the nation’s airwaves.

If we fail to take action, it is possible that a single company could own your local newspaper, your local television station, and your local radio station. Do you want all local news controlled by one company? That is possible under the new FCC rules.

Another likely result of this rule change will be the further silencing of minority voices. According to recent surveys, minorities own less than 2 percent of the country’s licensed TV stations and only 4 percent of the commercial AM and FM radio stations.

These minority owners and other independent operators are in grave danger of being trampled by the accelerated expansion of media monopolies.

Millions of Americans have contacted the FCC to express their disapproval of raising the limits on media ownership. I urge you to support the Hinchey amendment to prevent implementation of this unwise and unsound rule change.”
