March 29, 2012

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Supports Progressive Budget that Rewards Work, Not Wealth

Contact Kristal DeKleer (202) 225-1882

Washington, D.C.– Congresswoman Barbara Lee cast her vote for the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) alternative budget, the Budget for All.  The Budget for All is fiscally sustainable and sharply reduces the deficit even as it makes smart investments in our schools and our critical national infrastructure that would create 3.3 million new jobs by 2014,in stark contrast to the House Republican cuts-only scheme that eliminates 4.1 million jobs even as it gives away $4.4 trillion in tax breaks to the top 1%.

The CPC Budget For All would end the war in Afghanistan by committing one year of funds for a safe and orderly withdrawal and redeployment of our troops out of Afghanistan and ensuring the there are no funds for maintaining permanent bases in either Iraq or Afghanistan.

“This budget puts power back in the hands of the American people by creating jobs, making sure everyone pays their fair share, taking corporate money out of politics and putting justice at the forefront of our national conversation,” said Congresswoman Lee.  “The CPC budget is the only proposal that addresses poverty head on by safeguarding Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the critical human needs programs that feed, clothe and shelter the most vulnerable Americans.  The Budget for All also commits the funds necessary to build 21st Century schools and builds a 21st Century workforce that will rebuild our nation and reignite the American Dream for all.  I’m proud to support it this budget.”

The CPC budget increases funding for a variety of successful job creation programs, restores top marginal tax rates to Clinton-era levels, and entirely puts Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid on sound financial footings for generations to come without making benefit cuts. The bill builds on the successes of the CPC 2012 proposal, which gathered praise from notable economists such as Paul Krugman and Jeffrey Sachs and outlets such as The Economist.

“Anyone who thinks trillions of dollars in cuts and more corporate giveaways are what the country needs has been sleeping through the last two years,” Rep. Lee said. “This budget responds to what the people need, what the economy requires and what the Progressive Caucus believes in. I look forward to a national discussion about what’s in this plan, and I am proud to be a lead sponsor of this alternative vision for a brighter, safer and more prosperous America for all.”

Congresswoman Lee voted for the Democratic alternative budget, as well as the budget proposal from the Congressional Black Caucus.  The Congresswoman voted against the GOP budget proposal.   


Follow Barbara Lee on Twitter @RepBarbaraLee

Floor speechin support of Congressional Black Caucus Budget Proposal

Floor speechin support of Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget Proposal