September 24, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Supports Wexler Resolution of Inquiry on WMD Intelligence

Resolution Would Require President Bush to Release Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Report Criticizing Bush Administration’s WMD Policies

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), today with House International Relations Committee (HIRC) colleagues, called on the Bush Administration to send to Congress a report drafted last month for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The report, entitled “Operation Iraqi Freedom Strategic Lessons Learned,” was compiled from a series of interviews with senior U.S. military officials, including now-retired Army Gen. Tommy Franks.

According to a Washington Times story, “Operation Iraqi Freedom Strategic Lessons Learned” assesses the Administration’s post-war planning and search for weapons of mass destruction as “falling short of expectations or needs.” The report also supposedly claims that “Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) elimination and exploitation planning efforts did not occur early enough in the process to allow Centcom to effectively execute their mission. The extent of the planning required was underestimated. Insufficient U.S. government assets existed to accomplish the mission.”

In today’s House International Relations Committee debate, Lee said, “The American occupation of Iraq is a disaster. Now, the Joint Chiefs have commissioned a report entitled ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom Strategic Lessons Learned,’ and we deserve to have access to that information. With an $87 billion installment payment in the balance, Congress has every right to know what lessons have been learned.”

“We’ve certainly seen mistakes that have been made – a war that we didn’t have to have and an occupation that is poorly planned. So what are the lessons learned? According to press accounts, this report to the Joint Chiefs concludes that the Administration’s post-war planning, reconstruction effort, and the search for weapons of mass destruction are rated as ‘falling short of expectations or needs.’”

“With Americans dying almost every day, with the costs of the occupation skyrocketing, and with no exit or transition strategy in sight, this is information Congress must have before voting on the supplemental appropriations request.”
