March 01, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: The United States Must Stand with the Libyan People; Gaddafi Should Step Down Immediately


Media Contact:   Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661


Washington, DC- Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement following a meeting earlier today that she attended with former Libyan ambassador to the United States, Ali Aujali.  Ambassador Aujani stepped down from his position last month in opposition to the Gaddafi regime.  Representative Lee joined five of her House colleagues for today’s meeting:

“All of us watched with horror over the past several weeks as we have witnessed Muammar Gaddafi’s unconscionable penchant for bloodshed in response to a grassroots call for change from the people of Libya.

“I am appalled by the violence wrought upon the Libyan people as they exercise their fundamental right to voice legitimate aspirations for the future of Libya and its government.

“Muammar Gaddafi cannot continue to choose the preservation of personal power over the preservation of his country. Enough is enough.

“We stand here today with one voice to say that Gaddafi has lost the legitimacy to lead Libya.  He must step down immediately and military forces within Libya must halt the use of extreme and indiscriminate force against civilian protestors and act in accordance with universally recognized human rights standards.

“The international community has a clear responsibility to ensure all those accused of grave human rights abuses and potential war crimes are held accountable for their actions during this period of instability. The United States must play a proactive role in this process.

"Secretary Clinton has already pledged to provide relief funds and assistance teams to support Libyan citizens that have been uprooted from their homes or are fleeing Libya for fear of continued violence and persecution from the Gaddafi regime.  The United States stands with the Libyan people, and as Members of Congress, we will fight to ensure this support endures until stability returns to their country.”

