November 14, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee to Receive Distinguished Public Health Legislator of the Year Award from the American Public Health Association

Award to be given at APHA’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) will receive the American Public Health Association (APHA)’s Distinguished Public Health Legislator of the Year Award this Sunday. The award will be presented during the APHA’s annual meeting, which is in San Francisco. The APHA annual meeting is the world’s largest public health forum.

In a release, the APHA called Lee a champion of “universal health care and prescription drug coverage for seniors.” According to the APHA, Lee “has worked to build bipartisan coalitions to address such needs as health care, housing, education, and employment.”

“Rep. Barbara Lee is a shining example of a true public servant working in the public interest,” said Georges Benjamin, MD, FACP, Executive Director of the American Public Health Association. “Her work on behalf of not only Americans’ health, but the health of the world, spans years of accomplishments and legislative work that rightly deserve praise and recognition.”

“I am honored to receive the Distinguished Public Health Legislator of the Year Award from the American Public Health Association,” said Lee. “At a time when we are struggling to ensure the health of all citizens, the APHA has been a leading voice for strong measures to prevent disease and promote the opportunity for people to live long, healthy lives. I am truly honored to receive this award.”
