December 06, 2019

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Votes to Protect Access to the Ballot and Pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee voted to pass H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act, critical legislation to restore the full strength of the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), following the disastrous Supreme Court Shelby v. Holder decision, which gutted the VRA’s ability to combat voter suppression and discrimination. Since the Shelby v. Holder decision, at least 23 states have enacted voter suppression laws, including voter purges, strict ID requirements, poll closures, and curtailing of early voting hours.  

“In 1965, the Voting Rights Act repaired the damage done to communities of color across the country whose right to vote had been denied. Almost 55 years later, access to the ballot box is under unprecedented threat from the unjust and dangerous Shelby decision,” said Congresswoman Lee.Shelby unleashed a partisan voter suppression campaign across America that is silencing communities of color. It is more important than ever that we have a voting system in this country that is strong, free, and fair, and I’m proud to stand with my colleagues to pass this important bill.”

The Voting Rights Advancement Act reestablishes full protections for voters in states with a recent history of discrimination.  Among its key provisions, the bill:

  • In response to the Supreme Court decision, provides a new coverage formula that determines which jurisdictions are subject to preclearance, based on current conditions.
  • Also establishes “practice-based preclearance,” focusing administrative or judicial review narrowly on suspect practices that are most likely to be tainted by discriminatory intent or to have discriminatory effects, as demonstrated by a broad historical record.

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