October 07, 2016

Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Statement on Hurricane Matthew’s Impact in the US & Haiti

Oakland, California – In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement urging the global community to unite to provide humanitarian aid for Haiti:

“My thoughts are with the people of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina impacted by the Hurricane Matthew. I want to thank the first responders and local officials who risked their lives to help their neighbors and communities. In the days to come, our local, state and national officials must continue to work together to ensure that the families impacted by the storm receive the aid that they need.

“As we rebuild from Hurricane Matthew at home, we cannot forget our Caribbean neighbors who also suffered a direct hit from the storm. In the wake of this disaster, I am urging my colleagues in Congress and our allies around the world to assist the people of Haiti in their recovery effort.

“Six years ago, the global community came together to help Haitian families after the 2010 earthquake. Tragically, Hurricane Matthew devastated a nation still recovering from the earthquake and battling an ongoing cholera epidemic.

“I am particularly concerned by the potential for a major surge in cholera cases, due to flooding that may compromise the already vulnerable water supply. The international community, including the United States, has an obligation to work with the Haitian government to restore infrastructure and prevent the spread of deadly diseases including cholera.  

“In the wake of this historic storm, we cannot forget the people of Haiti. We must act quickly to save lives and ensure Haiti is back on the road to recovery.”


Congresswoman Lee is a member of the Appropriations and Budget Committees, the Steering and Policy Committee, is a Senior Democratic Whip, former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and co-chair of the Progressive Caucus. In 2014, Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s legislation, The Assessing Progress in Haiti Act, was signed into law by President Obama. This law brought greater transparency and accountability into how USAID’s recovery funds were allocated.