April 10, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Statement on Introduction of the "Truth in Trials Act"

Lee Co-Sponsors Medical Marijuana Legislation

"I want to thank my colleagues, Representative Sam Farr, Dana Rohrabacher, and Barney Frank for introducing this bipartisan bill [H1716], which I am proud to cosponsor.

In my home state of California, in my own district of Oakland, we have witnessed a great injustice: law-abiding citizens have been persecuted by the federal government for growing marijuana for medical purposes. One of my own constituents, Ed Rosenthal, faces a possible 85 year prison sentence for growing a product for medical purposes.

This is a travesty on several levels. First, the people of California have clearly spoken: they believe this is a matter between patients and doctors, not patients and the police.

Second, the jurors in Mr. Rosenthal’s case, one of whom is here with us today, were only told that he was growing marijuana. They were never told why, they were never told that he was growing it for cancer patients and others suffering terrible agonies. That information was banished from the courtroom. Justice is supposed to be about truth.

There was no truth and no justice in this case.

This bill won’t reform our drug laws and misplaced priorities, but it would allow defendants to tell jurors why they are growing medical marijuana. It will allow juries to hear the truth.

The people of California have very clearly endorsed the idea of medical marijuana. As members of Congress, we are here today to tell Attorney General Ashcroft that he cannot ignore the will of the people. Justice is supposed to be blind: well under the Attorney General it is deaf as well. This bill will let juries hear the truth."
