June 07, 2010

Congresswoman Lee Applauds Decision to Fund Support Services for Displaced NUMMI Workers

For Immediate Release
June 7, 2010

Contact: Ricci Graham

Washington D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-Oakland) applauded today’s announcement by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis that the U. S. Department of Labor (DOL) will be awarding up to $19 million in National Emergency Grant Funding to support the 4,347 workers adversely impacted by the closure of the New United Motors Manufacturing (NUMMI) plant in Fremont, California.

Labor Secretary Solis announced the grant award while visiting NUMMI Re-employment Center in Fremont, Calif., on Monday. An estimated $11 million in National Emergency Grant Funding will be initially directed to the California Employment Development Department to support displaced NUMMI workers, along with 39 other supplier companies, that have been affected by the closure of the NUMMI plant.

“The closure of the NUMMI plant served as yet another devastating blow to the Bay Area region that has been struggling to recover from the worst recession this country has experienced since the Great Depression,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “The funding announced today by Labor Secretary Solis will help soften the blow of the closure of the plant for the many workers who reside in the Bay Area and provide these displaced workers with critical services that otherwise would not be available to them.”

NUMMI and 17 of its supplier companies have been certified as eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), with several others pending. This project will provide TAA-certified dislocated workers with access to wrap-around and supportive services that are not available through the TAA program. The workers not eligible for TAA will have access to the full array of dislocated worker services.
