December 16, 2021

Congresswoman Lee Calls on Senate to Remain in Session until Build Back Better is Passed

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13), senior member of the House Appropriations Committee and Chair Emeritus of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, released the following statement in response to developments regarding passage of the Build Back Better Act:

“Passage of the Build Back Better Act in the House in November was contingent upon President Biden’s guarantee that he could deliver the 50 Senators needed to make it law. I am still holding the President and my colleagues in the Senate to that promise.

"If this bill is delayed, millions of families will be pushed into poverty as programs like the Child Tax Credit expire and costs of living continue to rise. Build Back Better cuts costs for vital social infrastructure like child care, home care, health care, and housing; delaying this funding until the new year will have real, immediate, and devastating impacts on people’s lives.

“This bill also represents a historic investment in our fights against the climate crisis and racial and economic inequality, both of which must be addressed with the urgency they demand.

“Build Back Better is supported by a majority of the country. It represents the priorities that the American people voted for this President to act on; this is about proving our democracy can work, that voting has real impact. Senate Democrats must work through the holidays to get this done before the new year.”
