July 15, 2019

Congresswoman Lee Denounces the Conditions in the Homestead Child Detention Facility, Calls on President Trump to End Immigrant Detention

HOMESTEAD, FL – Today, Congresswoman Lee visited an immigration shelter for unaccompanied children in Homestead, Florida, with Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health & Human Services, and Education, and other members of the subcommittee. After the visit, Congresswoman Lee released the following statement:

“I am deeply disturbed and concerned about the conditions that I have witnessed. From classrooms not conducive to learning to insufficient counseling for trauma and abuse, it is clear to me that the Homestead facility is not only inadequate – it’s unacceptable.

“The Trump Administration's cruel policies have directly led to backlogs and the use of massive, for-profit influx facilities like Homestead. Children belong with families and loved ones, and facilities like these must be the absolute last resort to care for kids. There is no reason why children should be held in these for profit-facilities for months on end. 

“The Trump Administration must be held accountable for its rampant and abusive actions, and I will keep working with my colleagues to make sure that happens. Congress has a responsibility to conduct oversight and a moral obligation to ensure that children in federal custody are adequately cared for. These children need mental health counseling, adequate shelter, access to full-time caseworkers, nutritious food, and so much more. We should be ashamed at what is happening in America.”
