January 22, 2013

Congresswoman Lee Introduces a Resolution in Observance of the Third Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake

For Immediate Release: January 15, 2013

 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) introduced a resolution in observance of the third anniversary of the tragic 7.0 earthquake in Haiti of January 12, 2010. In addition to honoring the 316,000 individuals who lost their lives, the resolution reaffirms the commitment of the United States House of Representatives to support Haiti’s reconstruction, including efforts to address the cholera epidemic.

“Today my thoughts and prayers are with the families of the hundreds of thousands of Haitians who perished in the terrible earthquake on January 12, 2010”, said Congresswoman Lee.   “I express my condolences and solidarity with the people of Haiti as they continue to emerge from the aftermath of disaster.

“Three years later, more than 360,000 Haitians are still without permanent homes and the country remains imperiled by cholera epidemic and food insecurity.  More than $5.6 billion has been pledged to invest in Haiti’s recovery, yet only 53 percent of relief funds have been disbursed.  We need to bring transparency, accountability and urgency to reconstructing Haiti so that this is the last anniversary that passes with Haitians still without permanent housing, food and reliable medical care.

“This anniversary also gives us an opportunity to honor the people of Haiti who have demonstrated unwavering resilience, dignity, and courage in the face of this tragedy and throughout the country’s arduous reconstruction process.  As they struggle to combat the ongoing cholera epidemic, curb violence, and rebuild their neighborhoods, lives, and country, we must ensure that we deliver on our promises to the people of Haiti and act with the same sense of urgency that we did immediately following the earthquake.”


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