September 18, 2008

Congresswoman Lee Introduces Legislation to Restrict Covert Tactics in Dealings with Iran

For Immediate Release 
September 18, 2008 

Contact:  Ricci Graham  
(510) 763-0370  

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-09) introduced H.R. 6951, the “Transparent Actions over Covert Tactics in Iran Act of 2008” or the “TACT in Iran Act,” which will prohibit the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense from providing covert or clandestine support, including military training or advice or equipment for military activities, for the purpose of overthrowing the Government of Iran.

“This legislation will send a loud message that the United States again recognizes the importance of diplomatic engagement and smart power as the preferred instruments for advancing American interests,” said Congresswoman Lee.  “Covert action by the United States to destabilize the Iranian regime would be reckless and contrary to both international law and U.S. interests. 

“My legislation will help repair the damage done to our nation’s reputation in the world by making it clear that it is not a policy of the United States to undermine or overthrow by covert or clandestine means the government of Iran.”

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