April 20, 2018

Congresswoman Lee Marks Twenty Years of Congressional Service

Washington, D.C. – This week, Congresswoman Barbara Lee celebrated the twentieth anniversary of her swearing in to Congress. In her two decades of congressional service, Congresswoman Lee has been a principled leader on Capitol Hill advocating for peace, justice and equal opportunity.

“On this anniversary, I am deeply grateful to my constituents in the East Bay who show our nation what true progressive values look like. Throughout the past twenty years, I have attempted to bring their progressive vision of peace, justice and opportunity to the U.S. House of Representatives,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “As a psychiatric social worker by training, my top priority has been ensuring East Bay residents receive the best possible constituent services, which they deserve. I’ve also focused on helping everyday families – in my congressional district and across the country – make ends meet and lift themselves out of poverty. In my district, 20 percent of my constituents are trapped in poverty, including 15 percent of children. As co-chair of the Whip’s Task Force on Poverty, Income Inequality and Opportunity, I have worked with my colleagues to helped address this epidemic of poverty in the United States and shed a light on this domestic crisis.”

“On both the national and international stage, I have worked to eradicate HIV/AIDS and expand prevention, treatment, and care,” added Congresswoman Lee. “As the United States has expanded its military footprint across the globe, I’ve advocated for a reduced and rational military budget and increased investments in our diplomatic initiatives. Alongside members of both parties, I’ve sounded the alarm on our unchecked wars and introduced legislation to restore congressional oversight on our military operations.”

Congresswoman Lee is best known for her lone vote against the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force, only three days after 9/11. She has also authored or co-authored every major piece of HIV/AIDS legislation since entering Congress and served three times as the U.S. Congressional Representative to the United Nations. And as a senior member of the influential Appropriations and Budget Committees, Congresswoman Lee fights for robust investments in initiatives that promote economic prosperity and global peace.

“As I reflect on these past twenty years, I am eager to keep fighting for my constituents, who I am proud to say make up the most progressive, enlightened, ‘woke’ and diverse congressional district in the country. I am honored by their support and love,” added Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “In these dangerous times, rest assured that I will remain a steadfast voice against bigotry and hatred, resist the alt-right agenda of Donald Trump, and continue to fight for a better future for everyone.”
